Sunday, September 30, 2007

David Deutsch's Qutotes

Not actually quotes... his law(David Deutsch is the author of 'the fabric of reality', a quantum physicist, another nerd in this world)

Every problem that is interesting is also soluble.

Corollary #1

Inherently insoluble problems are inherently boring.

Corollary #2

In the long run, the distinction between what is interesting and what is boring is not a matter of subjective taste but an objective fact.

Corollary #3

The problem of why every problem that is interesting is also soluble, is soluble.

Quotes taken from here


Anonymous said...

is soluble a word in this context?

Kay-K said...

of course it is...

btw wordweb gives the following meanings for the word 'soluble'
1. (of a substance) capable of being dissolved in some solvent
2. Susceptible of solution or of being solved or explained

Anonymous said...

soluble is a better way of saying solvable

Anonymous said...

define better- i think solvable sounds better.

it's truly a matter of opinion and style. but having said that, i didn't know that soluble could be used in this context, so that's probably why i think solvable sounds better

awaiting more posts kay-k...where are they?

Anonymous said...
